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Where I have influenced Council

Discussing the Numbers
  • Holding the line on property tax increases for several years and approving minimal annual increases in the operating budget for other years;

  • Implementing, for the first time, a long term funding strategy for proper maintenance of District infrastructure, including utilities and capital facilities;

  • Advocating for District’s share of public funding from senior levels of government; 

  • Advocating for the interests of District’s residents on taxation issues at the regional, provincial and federal levels;

  • Supporting and participating in a core services review at the District, to ensure that District staffing levels are justified and minimized where possible;

  • Supporting the implementation of key performance indicators for each business area;

  • Promoting shared services with other municipalities, such as fire, police and waste collection;

  • Developing a strategy for long term facilities replacement; and

  • Closely monitoring the construction of the public safety building (on time and on budget).

Improving Financial Management

Seat on public transportation
  • Advocating at the regional, provincial and national level for West Vancouver’s interests on transportation issues; 

  • Supporting the Mayors’ Plan on regional transportation as Mayor Smith’s alternate on the Mayors’ Council;

  • Assisting with the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project to explore regional transportation options;

  • Insisting on the retention and supply of adequate parking in our commercial areas, including Ambleside;

  • Approving new development that meets “Smart Growth” criteria for alternative transportation; 

  • Supporting sustainable transportation initiatives, including extending a dedicated bike and pedestrian lane across the Capilano bridge

Addressing Transportation Challenges

Fixing the Roof
  • Approving an updated Official Community Plan that balances modest increases in housing choices with preserving community character;

  • Ensuring that new development is consistent with pre-existing plans (discouraging “spot zoning” as much as possible);

  • Advocating at a regional level for measures to curtail speculative demand in housing;

  • Implementing a “locals first” policy to give residents opportunities in major new development projects;

  • Acquiring strategic lands to provide District directed housing (VCH lands);

  • Approving the first significant dedicated rental housing the District in 40 years;

  • Ensuring supportive housing units (or dedicated funds) are included in larger scale developments;

  • Requiring new developments provide a range of unit sizes and types;

  • Approving supportive housing for seniors (Maison);

  • Preserving heritage housing while also creating infill units; and

  • Supporting creative, sensitively designed and needed housing projects across the District

Increasing Housing Options

Vegetable Picking
  • Creating and implementing an arts and culture strategy for West Vancouver; 

  • Advocating for renewed and improved arts and culture facilities that meet community needs;

  • Implementing the Ambleside Business Improvement Association to help revitalize the commercial district;

  • Initiating summer concerts in Ambleside park;

  • Expanding and improving the Harmony Arts Festival, the Coho Festival and Pumpkinfest; and

  • Supporting the Ambleside Farmer’s Market.

Enlivening the Community

  • Implementing the Community Energy and Emissions Plan developed by a dedicated citizen’s working group;

  • Implementing leading edge environmental building practices including the BC Energy Step Code;

  • Implemented West Vancouver’s first bylaw to regulate tree cutting on private lands (interim); 

  • Supported the efforts of the Tree Bylaw working group to develop a final tree bylaw;
    Dedicating Whyte Lake Park (the District’s largest park);
    Dedicating waterfront between Ambleside and John Lawson as park;

  • Remediation and Improvement of the Foreshore;

  • Council liaison to the Upper Lands Working Group and implemented the group’s recommendations; and

  • Improved waste decrease and diversion as a member of Metro Utilities and Zero Waste Committees. 

Preserving the Environment

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